Our WorkQF National Sport Day 2021

Qatar Foundation

QF National Sport Day 2021

For the 2021 National Sport Day, a fully digital solution was needed.

The Task

The key objective was to create a dedicated digital platform and a program which would allow for attendees to engage in sports activities in meaningful ways, both in small sessions and in larger groups - and to choose from a wide range of different activity options.

The Solution

fischerAppelt created a customized platform which allowed for multiple parallel sessions engaging the wider community in larger groups - and separate channels with a pre-set schedule of small interactive classes to register for in advance.

A central studio connected the different channels through talks about fitness, nutrition and other relevant topics - and customized content produced for the occasion.

The studio was set at the Qatar Foundation Headquarters in Education City. The filming for the different activity sessions lead by instructors from participating gyms, yoga studios, health centers and activity providers, took place inside Education City (Green Spine, Ceremonial Court and Oxygen Park).